سفارش تبلیغ
صبا ویژن


Institution of Correlation Heralds

(ICH )




Preface :

Monadiane Hambastegi Institute according to his long –term  goal and its well wishes to help refugee has started it is operation in 1385 to make a new culture and start charity to help have nots ( poor and poverty striken people ), and socially injured people (physically or psychologically ) as a result of war, and increasing education and culture and knowledge bases between people, and has helped and taken some of  immigrants and poverty-striken families under its coverage .


General goals of this Institute:

1) strengthening and capacitating of its members.

2) presentation and operation of programs and projects in and out of Afganistan.

3) publishing social, cultural, science and research journals.

4) increasing economy quality of life and solving social problems.

5) trying to solve nutritional problems.


Three-years operation of this institute and things being done:


1- Holding health programs and family counseling :


For this aim it have taught, couselled and advised some of the migrated ladies in poor-region in prevention of various diseases, and anti and post marriage problems and so on.

- Location : in educational environments

- Teachers : The expert people who have skills and experienced in those territories have been used .

    - Numbers of trained people : Each 18 trained people of institute will have trained by six monthes

  Aim of program : prevention of Health problem-

                                                                            2-Holding news reporting courses :

In this course most of educational programs were focused on youths and students.

- Location : in educational environments

- Teachers : experienced and skillful and  expert people and university students of related profession have been used.

- Numbers of trained people : Each 16 trained people of institute will have trained by

six monthes

- Aim of program : to pay attention to numourse problems in immigrants and war-striken societies and trying to over come it .

3-Establishing programs to know more about Afganistan for this aim :

This institute with holding programs which every month with presentation of different part of Afganistan to people and familiarizing immigrants with culture ,history and

geography of Afganistan has caused a new motivation in immigrants who are living in Iran , which may help this people take an efficient steps for their country`s improvement .

- Location : in cultural houses in southern part of Tehran .

- Teachers : teachers and students who are members of Monadiane  Hambastegi institute have been used .

- The aim of program : the essential aims of the program are those young people who were born in the Host countries and have no ideas about their own home country .


4-paying attention to patients problems :

The other operation of this institute is paying attention to Afgan immigrants who are ill , in this case this institute has taken some of reffered people under its coverage .


- way of coverage : Arrangment of necessary work with contracted clinical –centers .

- Numbers of people under coverage : more than 25 families

- Aim of the program : to help referal people



( It is necessary to mention this institute has started its work on its own and have never had any supporters )


And also it is going to have some places for its various cultural and social activities , and the programs will start to be operative and will be put in practice when there will be some supporters about these programs .


With more then 200 members in different educational parts , now , and with  alot of problems ,this institute is not able to support enough and back its members the way they  deserve it  


 Some of the future programs which one going  to be put in to operation in the coming year :  


Holding courses about HIV and AIDES :                 -

Topic : educational

About : youthes and dangerous behaviours – addicts ,aides ,etc   .

- Holding : Technical and professional courses :

Topics : Educational

Fields of operations : the subjects that Afganistan needs more will be our interest and  be tought .


One of the advantages of the institute ; its operation in colonist and poor region where afew institute in those regions are available and it`s one of the best point for no Govermental organization .


Call number : 09329182571

Mail box :18164-167






   مدیر وبلاگ
پایگاه اطلاع رسا نی سازمان بین المللی منادیان همبستگی (ICH)
(ICH) Institution of Correlation Herald s ((خداوند سرنوشت هیچ قومی را دگرگون نخواهد کرد مگر آنکه آنان خود دست به تغییر درونی خود زنند )) Monadiane Hambastegi Institute according to his long –term goal and its well wishes to help people of Afghanistan has started it is operation in 1385 to make a new culture And start charity to help have nots ( poor and poverty striken people ), and socially injured people (physically or psychologically ) as a result of war, and increasing education and culture and knowledge bases between people, and has helped and taken Some of immigrants and poverty-striken families under its coverage . موسسه منادیان همبستگی در راستای اهداف بلند مدت و خیرخواهانه برای مردم مهاجر فعالیت های خویش را جهت فرهنگ سازی و مددرسانی در خصوص مستمندان ،آسیب دیدگان اجتماعی (روحی و جسمی) ناشی از جنگ و همچنین ارتقای سطح علمی ،فرهنگی و اجتماعی آنان ،از سال 1385 آغاز به فعالیت نموده و تاکنون تعدادی از مهاجرین و خانواده های مستمند و بی سرپرست را تحت پوشش و مددرسانی قرار داده است .
خبر مایه
آمار وبلاگ

بازدید امروز :0
بازدید دیروز :4
کل بازدید : 125972
کل یاداشته ها : 80

طراحی پوسته توسط تیم پارسی بلاگ        

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